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Without further ado, here’s an update on the fifth round of the One Hundred Paper Cuts project. The paper cuts addressed were:When nautilus cannot unmount a media, it must tell whyKarmic inherited a nice dialog from upstream Nautilus that assists the user who tries to unmount a busy drive. Excellent!Cannot install fonts using method descr ...
The fourth milestone in the One Hundred Paper Cuts project came and went over a week ago. Here’s a summary of the issues addressed:F-Spot puts photos in Photos folder not Pictures folderA patch from an F-Spot developer exists in Bugzilla, and has been iterated a few times using feedback from other developers. The upstream bug ...
In response to two paper cuts, “Have the file-roller automatically extract an archive on double click” and “‘Archive Manager’ doesn’t mean anything if you don’t know what an ‘archive’ is”, the Canonical Design Team devised a user test of archive behavior in Ubuntu, and we’re inviting the community to help administer the test and collect ...
I wrote a quick-and-dirty Haskell script to download photos from the Karmic Desktop Contest, setting a new photo as your desktop background every ten minutes. Make sure you cabal install flickr first. ...